- The Dash Diet: A Diet That Focuses On Dairy Catherine M. Champagne, PhD, RD, LDN
- U.S Dairy Policy Review IDF SOUTH AFRİCA November Jaime Castaneda
- Indigenous African Fermented milk products – improving value of cows and goats milk through Elna M. Buys processing
- Dairy Nutrition and Environmental Sustainability: Setting the Record Straight Mary Anne Burkman, MPH, RD Dairy Council of California Cindy Schweitzer, PhD Global Dairy Platform
- From Hygienic Practice to ISO 22000-based Food Safety Management System in a Dairy Farm /
Juan Jose Romo, Alfredo Luna, Cecilia Serrano, Carmen Garcia, Christophe Boulais - Examples of approaches to knowledge transfer with small dairy farms in Inner Mongolia
Dr. Réjean Bouchard, Dairy Farmers of Canada Dr. Karen Galbraith, Legacy Holsteins, Ontario, Canada Dr. Zhiwu Zhang, Best Holsteins Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd, Inner Mongolia, China - Protein supplementation and performance/ recovery: Whole milk and dairy proteins Professor Andrew Bosch
- The influence of primary particle swelling on milk powder dissolution Dairy Science and Technology
Erik Börjesson, Emma Tovesson, Fredrik Innings, Christian Trägårdh, Björn Bergenståhl & Marie Paulsson - Practical Sources of Data and Assessment for Microbiological Risk Characterisation Marcelo Bonnet, Ph.D., M.Phil.
- Practical experience with succession and family farming Philip Blanckenberg
- Performance of a dairy industry in a deregulated environment Dairy Policies and Economics Joanne Bills, Dairy Australia
- Inclusion of pasture carbon sequestration to estimate net GHG emissions Sophie Bertrand
- Milk Protein-Based Microencapsulated Bioactives for Improving the Nutritive Value of Food Augustin Maryann
- Development, acceptability and effectiveness of milk whey protein based Ready-To-Use Therapeutic Food in treatment of severe acute malnutrition in under-five children Banda Theresa
- Raw Milk Testing Scenarios Central vs. On the Spot Christian Baumgartner
- Creating A Niche Market For Goat And Sheep Milk Products In South Africa Emerging Dairy Sector Mrs Rina Belcher
- Recombining ain’t what it used to be ! WDS 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
- Identification and Evolution of Shiga Toxin- Producing Escherichia coli O157 Genetic Subtypes
- The South Africa dairy industry
- Significance of antimicrobial residues in milk Food safety or trade risk?
- Recombination in the 21st Century South East Asia Perspective on Recombination Ross Davidson
- Obesity: Addressing misconceptions about dairy, milk nutrients and weight Dr Anestis Dougkas
- INTERNATIONAL DAIRY FEDERATION IDF key achievements in 2011/2012 IDF WDS SWIFT Forum, Cape Town (ZA), 5 November 2012 Richard Doyle, IDF President Compiled by the IDF Head Office
- Milk Consumption in Relation to Childhood Obesity Daphna Dror USDA, ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center Davis, California
- Significance of dioxins in milk and dairy products – contaminants or environmental markers ? Food safety Conference Koenraad DUHEM
- Significance of dioxins in milk and dairy products – contaminants or environmental markers ? Food safety Conference Koenraad DUHEM
- Effects of micronutrient fortified milk and cereal food for infants and children: a systematic review
- Dairy is more than saturated fat and calcium addressing misconceptions about dairy and vascular disease Professor Peter Elwood Cardiff University UK Janet Pickering Cardiff University Katherine Livingstone Reading University UK
- Dairy is more than saturated fat and calcium addressing misconceptions about dairy and vascular disease Professor Peter Elwood Cardiff University UK Janet Pickering Cardiff University Katherine Livingstone Reading University UK
- Heat Load:Challenge to the Dairy Industry Lourens Erasmus
- IDF/ISO Joint Analytical Programme of Work – A strategic perspective on creating stakeholder value Jaap Evers Chair, IDF Methods Standards Steering Group
- IDF/ISO Joint Analytical Programme of Work – A strategic perspective on creating stakeholder value Jaap Evers Chair, IDF Methods Standards Steering Group
- What Started This • Two Scenario Planning Sessions With Clem Sunter On The Road A Head For Agric Every Jeff
- Review of Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and their significance in dairy production Choreh FARROKH
- Identification and Assessment of Emerging Issues Associated with Residues and Chemical Contaminants in Dairy Products – Brazil Experience
- Identification and Assessment of Emerging Issues Associated with Pathogens Mansel W. Griffiths
- Advances in Animal Breeding and Genetics Dairy Farm Business Conference Keith Heikes
- Overview of dairy farming globally Torsten Hemme
- The Biannual Wiebe Visser International Dairy Nutrition Prize Prof.dr. Gerrit J. Hiddink
- Reducing costs through global calibrations Steve Holroyd
- Functional Dairy Ingredients Dr. Thom Huppertz
- Health benefits of using microparticulated whey protein as fat replacer in yoghurt Professor Richard Ipsen
- Overview of world dairy trade
- Potential and limitations for the use of whey components in recombination P. Jelen,
- Overview of world dairy trade Jurgen Jansen
- Potential and limitations for the use of whey components in recombination P. Jelen
- “Evidence Based Nutrition” J.Johnston
- Significance of Mycotoxins in Dairy Products and Role of New and Novel Feeds Jamie Jonker,
- Optimising the Dairy Value Chain – South African experience André Jooste
- Global Dairy Agenda for Action Initiatives: IDF Carbon Footprint Guide Delanie Kellon
- Technological adaptation of functional ingredients to improve texture of dairy-based energy bars Phil
- Role EU Commission/EU Parliament/EU Council from technical to political Kleibeuker Joop
- The World Dairy Situation 2012 Adriaan Krijger
- Boiled milk and food safety in informal dairy markets in Tanzania Kaiza Kilango
- The Benefits of Animal Welfare for Farmers and the Environment Dr Lesley Lambert,
- DAIRY INDUSTRY IN AFRICA: A look at the economic and policy environment
- Affordability of dairy nutrients for low-income South African consumers Christine Leighton
- Does size Matter Quantifying genuie progress Brian Lindsay
- The South African Dairy Industry Melt Loubser
- Role of dairy and dairy components in products for malnutrition Mark Manary
- Unravelling complexity of milk proteins to create opportunity for selection on new dairy traits Miranda G, Bianchi L & Martin P
- Beyond Protein: Benefits of Lactose and Milk Minerals in Managing Malnutrition in Children Kim Fleischer Michaelsen
- Pathogens related to food associated diseases from animals and the environment Prof Anita Michel
- Worldwide Visibility And Impact Modinedman Anna Karin
- Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Africa as found in Milk, Processed Meat Vegetables and Water Maggy NB Momba
- Carbon and Water Footprint: Example of Danone Dairy Division Didier Moreau
- IDF World Dairy Summit Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012 Paul Moughan PhD DSc FRSNZ FRSC Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston North Dietary Protein Quality – New Perspectives
- IDF World Dairy Summit Cape Town, South Africa, November 2012 Paul Moughan PhD DSc FRSNZ FRSC Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston North Dietary Protein Quality – New Perspectives
- Dietary Protein Quality – New Perspectives Paul Moughan PhD DSc FRSNZ FRSC
- Dietary Protein Quality – New Perspectives Paul Moughan PhD DSc FRSNZ FRSC
- Dairy Nutrition Applications in a Changing World Manny Noakes
- Application of Recombination in East And Southern Africa Thedora Nyamandi
- Controlled Cavitation Technology – A Next generation Mixing and Heating Technology Bent Oestergaard,
- Technology Tools: Innovative Test Methods Jacquelin M.
- Successful Small Scale Dairy Farming In Sweden Ylva Persson
- The Water Challenge in Dairy Thierry Philardeau
- The Importance of Dairy in the World How to assess the economic benefits of dairying Véronique PILET
- IDF Work on Water Footprinting in the Dairy Sector
- Socioeconomic benefits of the traditional African management of dual purpose cows
- Socioeconomic benefits of the traditional African management of dual purpose cows Qekwana ND,
- A set of predictive tools to diagnosis reconstitution and ageing behaviour of dairy powders
- An upward trend in consumption of dairy products in emerging countries Benoît Rouyer
- Recent restructuring and investments worldwide in the dairy sector Benoît Rouyer of dairy products in emerging countries Benoît Rouyer
- Cost Effective Screening for Antibiotics and Contaminates Mr. Robert Salter
- Significance of STEC in Cheese and Tools for Detection, Growth and Survival Moez SANAA
- NUTRITION AND HEALTH 7 NOVEMBER 2012 A holistic perspective on dairy in nutritio
- Monitoring, understanding and improving rehydration of dairy powders P. Schuck
- Climate Change Projections Over South Africa Perspectives for the Dairy Industry Prof Roland Schulze
- Dairy’s Potential role in Health Care Savings November 2012 Professor Leonie Segal & James Doidge
- Meeting the dairy demand challenge Nicola Shadbolt
- Dairy Farming In South America Kennya Siqueira
- New technology for traditional cheese or traditional-type cheese using milk proteins powders Jean-Jacques SNAPPE
- Dietary diversity in the South African population and contribution of dairy products NP Steyn, D Labadarios, JH Nel
- Dietary diversity in the South African population and contribution of dairy products NP Steyn, D Labadarios, JH Nel
- Recombined Dairy Products in Brasil Lorildo Stock – Embrapa, Brazil
- Control of contaminants in the dairy chain Meike te Giffel
- The Big Picture of Dairy Cees ‘t Hart
- Smallholder dairy development in India & National Dairy Plan D Tikku, Chairman NDDB Dairy Services, India
- Processing of Non-Cow’s Milk – Technological Challenges and Economic Perspectives Effie Tsakalidou and Stathis Klonaris Agricultural University of Athens Athens, Greece
- Group Formation A Path to Profitability? Tom Turnere
- IDF SWIFT forum Transparency Nico van Belzen
- Safeguarding the Integrity of Milk and Milk Products Harrie van den Bijgaart
- Family And Succession Challenges Facing Dairy Farms Prof Elmarie Venter
- The South African Food-Based Dietary Guideline: ‘Have Milk, Maas Or Yoghurt Every Day’ Este (HH) Vorster
- Working together, measures to improve sustainability in the dairy value chain Jan Maarten Vrij 7 November 2012
- Feeding the World The potential Impact of Increasing Complexity and Volatility on Global Dairy Supply Jay Waldvogel